Hour of Code

Coding is a popular activity and skill. The “Hour of Code” is an international program aimed at sparking interest in computer science and the concept of coding. The “Hour of Code” week is December 7-13 and encourages teachers and students to try coding, with the tagline “an hour of code for every student.” Here at…

3rd Grade Google Slide: The Year Long Reflection

The Project: Using Google Slides 3rd grade students will create a 13 slide presentation, one month at a time, over the entire school year. The Why? It is never too early to start building a digital portfolio and not every portfolio will look the same. But one great way to show true growth and progress…

Addressing Twitter concerns…

I am often asked about social media’s role in education, Twitter in particular. These questions are often brought about by parent concerns, which often mirror the initial concerns of teachers.   When addressing parent concerns I approach it just as I do with teachers:   concerns are normal I’m happy we are discussing concerns as…

iMovies on paper with Aurasma

One of my pet peeves is the traditional bulletin board. As a technology teacher I feel the traditional paper stapled to cork board is counter intuitive to what students do in the lab. Paper bulletin board are fine for certain things, but if students are creating animations or layered presentations or movies how do you…

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