What is your favorite sport?

Dear Reader, I hope you like what follows this little introduction. I decided to ask you about some sports. Please answer my questions! They are important. I actually didn’t write any questions! At least I don’t think I did. So here is what I want you to do: When you comment on this, please write your favorite sport. Notice that I said PLEASE, so you probably should. I did say it in a polite way. Please, please, please tell me your favorite sport. I love sports. If you are going to write your favorite sport then thanks, if not then too bad for you!!!!! ( I actually mean thanks) I don’t but don’t pay attention to I don’t.

There are a lot of sports, so it might take some time to decide! There are some people that when you ask them, they’ll answer straight away! Here are some examples: My teacher is the first one. When you ask her, she would answer immediately with cycling or biking. There’s a girl in my class called Zephyr that I’m pretty sure would answer basketball without hesitation. If I was asked that, I would have to think about it. I love softball, but I also love rock climbing. I like basketball, but it’s not my favorite sport. I also love swimming, paddle boarding, kayaking, sailing, and other water sports. I love to run.

I’ll list some sports. These are some water sports: swimming, kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding, water skiing. These are some sports that involve a lot of running: track, soccer, basketball, hand ball, cricket. These are when you have to run bases: softball?, baseball, kickball, whiffle ball. These are some others: volley ball, rock climbing, tennis, american football, american ninja warrior (obstacle course), rugby, curling, lacrosse, field hockey, ice hockey, figure skating, just skating in general, roller blading, cycling, skate boarding, riflery, archery, diving, sailing.

I’ve thought about it, and I’ve come to the conclusion that my favorite sport is… Why should I tell you? Ok, I’ll tell you. My favorite sport is, I’ll list them in order: 1: Softball, 2:  rock climbing, and then I don’t know how to list the others. There! I told you!!!!!!!!? Now I will not tell you if you ask me. Just look at this blog.

What’s your favorite? Please tell me what your favorite sport is when you comment on this post. Please! I really need someone to comment on my stuff. No one comments on my stuff. Please?!?!?!?!?!

PS. I also would like it if you commented on my other stuff. No one is commenting on my stuff!




7 thoughts on “What is your favorite sport?

  1. idk I like all sports, but if I have to choose, hmm I am a runner but I like all sports where I am included most sports people don’t pass to me. but hmmmm. ok 1: squash 2: running 3: handball and so on.

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