What do you call an old snowman? Posted on January 31, 2017February 2, 2017 by smagnottanedwick Post your idea in the comment section.
I have two answers for, “What do you call a old snowman.” One of them is “a melted snowman.” The other one is “a old snowman.” That is my answers to this question. -Sam Reply
I call a old snowman Rusty. I call the snowman Rusty because it is old and it might have old mold on it. Reply
If I was old snowman I would call my self a oldsnowman because it’s old and it’s a snowman.
You call a Old snowman a Elder snow
I don’t know but maybe you call it an melting snowman?
I would call an old snowman a snowgrandpa
Mr. old snowmany
I think that it’s a melted snowman.
No I mean Mr. Oldy Snowsanstion.
a snwgrandpa.
I have two answers for, “What do you call a old snowman.” One of them is “a melted snowman.” The other one is “a old snowman.” That is my answers to this question.
I would call an old snowman Charlie junior.
I will call an old snowman Rust.
Frosty the snowman
I will call an old snowman an rusty snowman or frosty.
I call a old snowman Rusty. I call the snowman Rusty because it is old and it might have old mold on it.
The answer to this problem is a melted snowman.
grandpa snow
A old snowman is maybe called a rust