Next Step Research NY Project

Me and my group had to change our sub questions. It is hard because it’s almost like restarting the whole project! It was also fun in a way because I got to learn about different stuff that I didn’t know about before. after all I would rather be at the narrative stage then the research stage but the research stage is all right. I know all this research is hard but when i finish it’s gonna fell really good. Something that is helping me on the way is my group is also doing the same thing so i don’t get stressed if there a head of me because I know there not a head of me which makes me feel better.I am excited for what’s gonna happen next.

NY Project – The Beginning

My NY project is Oysters and Farming in NYC. First, I found out who was in my group and guess what I am the organizer! Next we came up with questions and that was a little bit of a struggle because we had to do open questions and closed question. An open question is a sentence to your question. A closed question is one word or a yes and no question. Next we had to pic a big question to do our sub questions on but that was sortive easy because we took of all of closed questions to make it more easy, WE decided on Why are Oysters and farming important to NYC. Next was the hard part because we had to do the research part of the project. It was a struggle because we had to make puzzle pieces of our sub questions. As being an organizer I had to make a media doc, media folder was for all the pictures and the project folder was for all the research we got.