Blog Post #9

In Technology it has been a blast. I have learned so much in such little time. I have learned how to use all the machines, and learn how to make exact measurements and draw to scale. My favorite project so far has been the flashlights because I got to use all the tools, and use the saw. Now we are using the lazer cutter and im making earrings. I am very sad because this is our last week in tech. I have had so much fun and have learned so much. Mr.Calvert has been a great teacher!

Tech Blog Post #7

In tech I have finally finished my flashlight. It has been my favorite project yet.  The reason for this is because I got to learn how to make a circuit and learn how to use battery’s. My favorite part of this project was probably using soldering iron because I think I got better at it and when you get better at something it’s a lot more fun. I also had to use the drill press to drill holes for the light and the switch. Overall I had a lot of fun doing this project and I can’t wait to see what’s next!

Tech Blog Post #6

In Technology we are making flashlights. I am really enjoying this project because we get to create our own things and color it. My favorite part so far has been to make the blueprints and sketch them out. The reason I liked it is because you had to be very Precise on the sketch. When you were measuring the wires on your blueprints you had to add an extra inch because to give it extra space in the actual flashlight. Right now I am on the step when I’m about to drill my holes into the flashlight for the wires,battery, and switch. I am very excited to see the end results and to test it out. During this project so far I have managed to learn how to use the saw to cut out the pipe piece of my flashlight. Overall I think this is a very fun project that I will have a lot of fun doing.


Tech Post #5

In Tech I have learned so much already, but my favorite project so far is probably the switches because I learned so many more things and new tools. I am not that good in technology I am still not the best at it but I am definitely learning new things.

My very first project that we did was the jewelry. I thought that, that was a great project to start on because you knew it wasn’t going to be perfect but at the same time you were learning new things. We have just started making flashlights so I am very excited to show everybody my idea. Overall tech is going great and I’m already getting better.

Tech Blog Post #4

I was doing a side piece during there jewelry project so if we finished early we would work on our switches. We had to do 3 switches that could turn on a light. For me the hardest part was actually making the design after you came up with the idea. You had to use many tools and learn new things. In the process I managed to burn myself with the hot glue gun. But I learned something from that. And that is to be more careful  and try not to get hot glue everywhere. The thing I enjoyed the most is probably learning how to use the new tools like the drill press, scroll saw, solder and how to be careful with the glue gun. I also enjoyed the designing process and finally making the design to how I want it.


My favorite piece is probably the last one because I think it’s the most convenient to turn on a lightbulb and off. Overall I really enjoyed learning how to use these machines and designing the process of it.



Tech post #2


In technology we are making jewelry. I have been enjoying this project very much. This is the first time I have ever done anything like that. For this project I am making a pendent/necklace for my friend named Carlie. She is also making one for me. We are making a lock and a key together. I have never worked with technology in this way and I am excited to learn new things and make a new hobby. I am also very bad at technology in general but I am learning new things everyday, and who’s to say I won’t get better. I can’t wait for the rest of the quarter and see what’s gonna happen next! here is a picture of what I have done so far.