Argument and Advocacy Debate (Plastic Bags)

During this process my favorite part was probably reading all of the articles and reading both side of it. My least favorite is probably organizing all of my reasons and picking out 3 reasons out of all of the research I got. It was really fun working with my group and listening to the other side of the debate. Overall during the preparation for the debate it was a fun experience. In conclusion, I really liked the project and listening to the other sides.

Constitution Project 15th Amendment blog post #3

Overall I really enjoyed this project because I liked the challenge of trying to memorizing the script and having fun recording, but there were some struggles throughout the whole process but I fought through it and I had fun! one really big struggle for me was memorizing the script and being prepared for the presentation day. Overall one of my favorite parts of this process was probably making my slide and reading my script. Although it was challenging to memorize my slides I still liked practicing my script. One of my least favorite parts were probably finding the right resource and making sure you can trust it. If there one thing I could change it would probably be having more time to memorize and prepare for the presentation.