Reflecting on Creating My Immigrant Interview WeVideo

During my process some things that I really enjoyed were that I really liked interviewing my grandpa. I thought it was very interesting. Another thing that I liked was creating the WeVideo. I thought it was really fun and creative. One thing that I thought challenged me was when I was doing the voice over because the timing had to be spot on. At first before I started the actual WeVideo I thought it was gonna be quick and easy, and all I needed to do was add photos,text and a voice over, but it wasn’t as easy as it sounded in my head. When I imagined the WeVideo when it was over i didn’t think it would turn out like how it did. Overall I was pretty satisfied but the one thing is that I spoke to fast during it. I think I could’ve done a little better but other than that I thought it was good! Click on the link down below to look at my WeVideo!



Immigration Interview Reflection

For my immigration project we had to interview someone in our family that immigrated, and I chose my grandpa. He immigrated from Colombia in 1979 .The reason I chose him because I felt like he had a good story to tell and that I new it was hard for him to finally immigrate and have to leave his family. After I finished interviewing him I reread the questions and saw ways he succeed and in ways he failed, but no matter what he kept on trying and didn’t give up no matter what. He is very inspirational.