Tech post #2


In technology we are making jewelry. I have been enjoying this project very much. This is the first time I have ever done anything like that. For this project I am making a pendent/necklace for my friend named Carlie. She is also making one for me. We are making a lock and a key together. I have never worked with technology in this way and I am excited to learn new things and make a new hobby. I am also very bad at technology in general but I am learning new things everyday, and who’s to say I won’t get better. I can’t wait for the rest of the quarter and see what’s gonna happen next! here is a picture of what I have done so far.

Tech Post #1

In technology, I  am looking forwards to learning how to I use all the new tools. I for one am not a tech person I don’t really know how to do that many things. I am looking forwards to  learning about new easier ways to do stuff and ways I can improve. I think that Mr.Calvert has taught me a ton already and I can’t wait to see what’s in the future, and what we will be learning. Maybe by the end I will become a technology person by the end.

I think that so far Mr.Calvert is a great teacher and a fun one as well. I am looking forwards to using the press drill the most because when I first walked into the room that was the first thing that I saw.

I am excited to learn new things in Technology