Tech Blog Post #4

I was doing a side piece during there jewelry project so if we finished early we would work on our switches. We had to do 3 switches that could turn on a light. For me the hardest part was actually making the design after you came up with the idea. You had to use many tools and learn new things. In the process I managed to burn myself with the hot glue gun. But I learned something from that. And that is to be more careful  and try not to get hot glue everywhere. The thing I enjoyed the most is probably learning how to use the new tools like the drill press, scroll saw, solder and how to be careful with the glue gun. I also enjoyed the designing process and finally making the design to how I want it.


My favorite piece is probably the last one because I think it’s the most convenient to turn on a lightbulb and off. Overall I really enjoyed learning how to use these machines and designing the process of it.



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