Tech Blog Post #8

In tech, I am making earrings with the lazer cutter. I like this project because you get to be creative with it. For example, I am making smiley faces as my earrings. The reason that it is creative is because I feel like you get to design what you want and now it’s just up to you to do the project because you have learned how to do it all. Before I made the earrings I made a banner with the lazer cutter before to get the just of it and to be more comfortable with Vectornator. I like this as our last project because I feel like we have learned how to do it all like, draw blue prints and make sure it’s correctly drawn to scale. I am so sad that this is our last week in Tech! I have had so much fun.

Tech Post #3

I have now finished my jewelry. I have been working on this piece for about a week or 2 on and off again. I learned how to use a soldering iron even though it didn’t go so great the first time I tried again and I did it. I was making this piece for my friend Carlie. We were doing a lock and a key. During the process of doing this we also had a side piece for when we weren’t soldering or we finished. We worked on switches to turn on a light. We had to submit 3 designs on Schoology even though I submitted my designs on Schoology I still didn’t do the exact design or i even did a whole new thing. So far I have learned to use the soldering iron, the drill press, the hot glue guns and the scroll saw. My favorites so far is the scroll saw and the soldering iron, but I am probably better at the scroll saw. Here is a picture of my final jewelry piece. I ended up doing 2 because my first one was not to totally done.

At Home Exercises

At home I do my homework when I wake up and then I have the rest of the day for relaxing time or doing a workout I do the peloton for 1hr everyday with my mom and I while watching TV and if it is a nice day I will take my dog on a walk around the neighborhood. If I have enough time I will play basketball with my mom,dad,babysitter,sisters or I play by myself sometimes.

Mystery Monday

Today my class watched a mystery doug and it was about how  can the water get underground? I think the water cycle travels into the ground to collect ground water. I think that’s how the water got underground when they were digging it to make a POND can you imagine making a pond! At least I can’t. And the water that is underground I think that is rain water because when it rains it soaks into the ground and when you dig you can see the water.

Trip to NYC

The field trip today was really fun. First we went on the bus to the Staten Island ferry to see an amazing view of manhattan and the Ny harbor. Did you know that the Ny harbor is HUGE! and did you also know that people knocked down farming for buildings. It is very sad because people worked hard for them and then it just got knocked down! I also learned about the statue of liberty and did you know that the statue of liberty is 300 something feet. It’s crazy. Next when we got of the boat we went to south street sea port and we ate lunch there it was very petty because we got to see boats going places and it had an amazing view of the Brooklyn Bridge. We also relaxed there a bit it was really relaxing. Then we had to go back on the bus back to school.


3rd Step

One of my challenges for my project was the research part because after I was done with the research I had to put the research in my own words but I also had to add facts that connect to my research questions. One of my favorite parts is memorizing all my slides and using my flash cards that is also really fun because we got to work with friends and and they were able to help us. Another reason it was fun is that we got to really understand all the stuff that was happening. It was also fun because we had to really concentrate with our topic. Bye

NY Project – The Beginning

My NY project is Oysters and Farming in NYC. First, I found out who was in my group and guess what I am the organizer! Next we came up with questions and that was a little bit of a struggle because we had to do open questions and closed question. An open question is a sentence to your question. A closed question is one word or a yes and no question. Next we had to pic a big question to do our sub questions on but that was sortive easy because we took of all of closed questions to make it more easy, WE decided on Why are Oysters and farming important to NYC. Next was the hard part because we had to do the research part of the project. It was a struggle because we had to make puzzle pieces of our sub questions. As being an organizer I had to make a media doc, media folder was for all the pictures and the project folder was for all the research we got.