Rube Goldberg Blog Post #2

I have finished my Rube Goldberg! my estimation of how many tries it was gonna take was 21, before we got our final product we changed some things with the lever, and other things as well. The first step was that you get a small ball and it rolls down the tube, then it hit the block of wood, that hit the cereal box, that hit the weight that was connected to a pulley and on the other side of the pulley there was a hammer that was also connected, then when the weight fell it pulled the hammer forwards ad up so it hit the dominoes of books, then that fell on another weight that rolled down the incline that fell on the lever that had a sock that went into the laundry basket. That took me 20 tries for it to work. I think that the hardest part of the project was for it to go into the laundry basket. I had to mostly change the lever part because we made it ourselves.  The part that I enjoyed most is probably when I got the successful attempt because I was so happy and relieved! The thing that i’ve learned the most is that you can always try something if you don’t know if it will work because you never know and it doesn’t hurt to know either. Overall I thought this was a fun project and I would do it again. This was one of my favorite projects so far.

Video down below!

Reflecting on Creating My Immigrant Interview WeVideo

During my process some things that I really enjoyed were that I really liked interviewing my grandpa. I thought it was very interesting. Another thing that I liked was creating the WeVideo. I thought it was really fun and creative. One thing that I thought challenged me was when I was doing the voice over because the timing had to be spot on. At first before I started the actual WeVideo I thought it was gonna be quick and easy, and all I needed to do was add photos,text and a voice over, but it wasn’t as easy as it sounded in my head. When I imagined the WeVideo when it was over i didn’t think it would turn out like how it did. Overall I was pretty satisfied but the one thing is that I spoke to fast during it. I think I could’ve done a little better but other than that I thought it was good! Click on the link down below to look at my WeVideo!

