Rube Goldberg blog post #1

My class has been working on a Rube Goldberg project. A Rube Goldberg is an overcomplicated machine that is made to complete a simple task like watering a plant or turning on a light.

Day 1 was hard I came up with a whole sketch though.  At least I thought I did, there were so many changes I made to that original sketch. For example, my original task was to fill a bowl with cereal, then I ended up making two simple tasks, watering a plant and filling a bowl with cereal, after, I realized doing 2 simple tasks at the same time in totally different rooms of the house is a complex task, so I changed my simple task to watering a plant. The hard part of day 1 was trying to come up with the steps leading up to the simple task.

The next day everything bad that could happen happened. I realized that most of my steps would not work like launching a needle into a balloon with a catapult. After that, my dog grabbed my sketch from the table and ripped it up into pieces, a good thing I was able to retrieve the pieces. A few days after that I recopied the sketch onto a different paper and made a few changes to some of the steps that didn’t work.

I was able to use all six simple machines. The first simple machine I thought of a way to use was an inclined plane, I used it in the second step when the basket attached to the pulley hits the inclined plane causing the ball in the basket to roll down the inclined plane. for the wheel and axel, I used so many toy cars if I tried to explain where I used them I will never be done writing this. I used a screw to pop a water balloon. I used a lever to fire a ball into a dustpan, which caused the dustpan to move. I used a wedge to cut a string that unleashed a toy car.

In conclusion, just the beginning of this project was hard and challenging but also really fun and I really enjoyed it.

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