Capstone #3

IT IS DONE!!! Well, at least the boring part is, sure the research helped me with a lot of stuff like patience and good note-taking. ( not so sure about the patience part.) It was so much research that I wasn’t able to fit it all in my slide show, for example, I have a lot of research on night terrors and I didn’t include any of it. so this blog post is where my overflow and narrative will go minus the intro and outro.


So what’s the meaning of dreams? Well, let’s go over a few theories about dreams. The Freudian theory this theory states that dreams are our thoughts that we don’t dare to say out loud or think we can not. The fulfillment of a wish, although he also made the Freudian slip so who knows what he could have met. The Extensions of Waking Life Theory suggests that dreams are based on everyday life if you were at the pool earlier you might dream of the pool pretty simply. The threat simulation theory suggests that dreams prepare you for a threat which I find to make no sense because I dream of things that are not threats, like hows a ziplining meerkat suppose to be a threat. The Activation Synthesis theory suggests that dreams have no purpose

Well, how can dreams impact your day-to-day life? It is quite simple dreams that can trigger emotions and those emotions can follow you through the day for example if you dream of your dead dog you would be thinking of it for the rest of the day. Another way dreams can impact day-to-day life is if you make a choice based on your dream. For example, if you won the lotto in your dream you might want to buy a lotto ticket in real life. 

How do you remember some dreams and forget others? Well remember how I awoke so suddenly and it seemed like it was unexpected well that’s why I remembered my dream, I was still in REM sleep rapid eye movement is when most dreams happen. You probably have a certain time you wake up at right, well when you wake up before you usually do rem sleep is still going on because the brain expects you to wake up later. And when you sleep in longer the brain gets so confused that rem sleep just happens the whole time.


Now we’re gonna turn a dark corner and talk about… NIHT TERRORS!!! Ahhh! these are definitely the scariest type of dreams. Night terrors have physical effects on the human body like your heart starts racing and your palms start sweating and you start breathing heavily. this is because night terrors are based on traumatic events that actually happened to you its like reliving that horrifying experience. that’s how night terrors are usually formed during a traumatic experience like a car crash or a fire.

There are no ways to cure night terrors because that means to be fixed forever but there are ways to help it is believed that concurring the common fear in all your night terrors can get rid of them but if you ever face another traumatic experience (which I hope no one ever will) night terrors may come back. I know it’s tragic and I wish no one would ever have to go threw that and I wish I could just pretend it’s not real but I know people who suffer night terrors, mid as in they just happen, and extreme when they wake up screaming or cry or in pain.

During this project I learned a lot and sure about the topic and how dreams mean more than just an image, but mostly about myself, how I act under pressure, how I can be afraid and I don’t think I am, how I am not the most patient person ever, my interests, and who I am as a person, I know it sounds like I am just saying that because it sounds good but I’m not, I actually found that I care a lot about certain topics not just my topic but my friends and my classmates this expanded my point of view on the world I learned about the problem and the history this was an amazing(ly long) project. (And I’m glad it’s over.)

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