BTT ( Bash The Trash )

Hello and welcome to Andrew’s Articles! Today we are going to be talking about the Bash The Trash assembly that took place at Heath-cote Elementary School.

The main purpose of the assembly was to teach the kids how to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle clean ” Garbage “. A secondary purpose was to teach the kids that garbage can also be turned into musical instruments.

During the show, there were 4 performers, Katelyn, Roen, Ryan, and Ean. Each of them had a talent. For the commencement of the show, Katelyn and Ean both had different instruments, Katelyn had a barrel, used as a drum. Ean had a garden hose attached to a ketchup bottle to create some kind of horn. They categorized that instrument as the French Horn. 

The point of this show was to teach us about loops. They had to tell about the science behind it, then . . . things were pretty elemental. We enjoyed hearing what you can make of trash, and learning the 3 R’s meaning.

That’s it for this post folks!