Adobe Spark II

Hello and welcome to Andrew’s Articles! Today I will be talking about Adobe Spark again.

Well, I just created a info graphic. I had so much fun making it. As spark says,” If you can dream it, Spark can do it. ” It’s really gets a breath on using spark.

Anyways, I would greatly like to show you my created Info_graphic.


My latest creation on Spark! The link in bottom part of the Info_graphic. This is the video of my Rube Goldberg.

Spark can be used for a lot. Some of the things it can be used for is, Instagram posts, flyer’s, stories, videos, and just about everything else you can think of.

That’s it for this post folks!

Adobe Spark

Hello and welcome to Andrew’s Articles! Today we will be talking about a new platform called ” Adobe Spark “.

We got introduced the platform on March 6, 2019. This platform can be used to create videos, social posts, graphics, and so much more.

I first made a Instagram post, it was fun. I thought it was pretty easy to use. I would like to show you the Instagram post.

Here it is:

I found it fun and interesting to make. If you would like to use Adobe Spark, please visit, ” “.

That’s it for this post folks!

Rube Goldberg – Final Reflection

Hello and welcome to Andrew’s Articles! today we are going to talking about my Rube Goldberg.

Over the weeks we have completed our Rube Goldberg. We have finished the video, the contraption, and this is the last blog post. I’m happy to finish it, but at the same time kind of sad its

I ended up doing 8 blog posts instead of 6. The reason why, well, I wanted explain more, but not cram it into one post, instead of spreading it out. My Rube Goldberg was mainly physics, small, way smaller then anyone else. I wanted to keep it simple. Me thinking that, simple was small. I WAS wrong.

This turned out to be the most complicated project I think I could have done! It took 93 tries before the whole thing worked perfectly. The 92nd time when it did work, I did something very lame. VERY, VERY, VERY Lame. I put the ball down the run, It fell backwards, I caught it. My hand then hit the wooden run, and activated the rest of the contraption.

The one time where it works, is where I mess up. Then the next time It did work, fortunately. I totally regret doing something as complicated as this. But, at least it worked, and at least it’s different. When it finally worked, I felt all the stress leave me at once.

I realized way to late, that maybe making a bigger contraption would have been better and cooler, but I forgive myself.

Anyways, I feel proud of my work. I would like to show the video for my contraption in this final post.

This is the end of the Rube Goldberg series.

Here is our video:

That’s it for this post folks!

BTT ( Bash The Trash )

Hello and welcome to Andrew’s Articles! Today we are going to be talking about the Bash The Trash assembly that took place at Heath-cote Elementary School.

The main purpose of the assembly was to teach the kids how to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle clean ” Garbage “. A secondary purpose was to teach the kids that garbage can also be turned into musical instruments.

During the show, there were 4 performers, Katelyn, Roen, Ryan, and Ean. Each of them had a talent. For the commencement of the show, Katelyn and Ean both had different instruments, Katelyn had a barrel, used as a drum. Ean had a garden hose attached to a ketchup bottle to create some kind of horn. They categorized that instrument as the French Horn. 

The point of this show was to teach us about loops. They had to tell about the science behind it, then . . . things were pretty elemental. We enjoyed hearing what you can make of trash, and learning the 3 R’s meaning.

That’s it for this post folks!

Rube Goldberg – Collaboration With A Partner

Hello and welcome to Andrew’s Articles! Today we are going to be talking about collaboration with my partner for Rube Goldberg.

During the course of Rube Goldberg, Madeleine and I enjoyed collaborating together on the project. We both liked the idea of working in a pair.

Well, I feel working with a partner made life a heck of a lot easier. First, you don’t have to be responsible for everything with the contraption. Secondly, you can construct your project quicker because they’re four hands assembling the contraption, instead of two. Most of all, being solitary means you have to think of the whole contraption. In this case, I found it so much easier to be with a partner .

We also found that gathering materials was much easier. I did get more of the materials than her. The contraption was built at my house, so that did leave more of the responsibility on me. I knew it would be at my house, but I hoped she would take it.

I ended doing the majority of the project, the video, building it, taking documentation, uploading lots of photos and videos. That’s about all.

Overall, I think our project is good. Not the best, but I like it.

I feel like I got taken advantage of somewhat.

That’s it for this post folks!