Making Maglev Trains (Day 2)
Today we went all the way back to the imagine stage. Then we drew our plan out. We put two strip magnets on the track and two strip magnets on the train. We took a long time placing and making the magnets face the right way. We had to make sure the magnetic poles on the train were facing the same poles on the track. I never realized how important tape was for mini maglev trains. Then we talked about it and moved the magnets a little… AND IT FLOATED ACROSS THE BOX!
Sadly, we failed to get it right away, but after a long time it finally worked. Yay! We learned that sometimes it takes one little millimeter push to change everything. We had to put tape in certain places because if we did not, the magnets will fall! The north and south poles were very important to us.
Next time we are going to carry “people” across the box on the train. We are going to modify our train to carry as many as possible. I look forward to working with my group and I already have a big fat idea to crush Monday’s goal!