Locked in the house projects – Quarantine self-help pt 2

Hello Everybody! Today I am going to be going through some projects that you can do when you are stuck at home. Here they are.

Daily story: I know all the kids reading this are going to be like, “NOOOOOO!” because you guys don’t want to write essays and weird personal narratives. This isn’t that (I would never make you do that). Every day, ask someone to give you a theme to write a one page story about. I find this really relaxing and it helps me calm down. Do this in your spare time, because I don’t want to be the reason you are not doing your work. And besides, your parents are going to be happy that your creative juices are flowing. This is probably my favorite thing to do on this list.

Leaf pressing: Being stuck at home can be boring. Very boring. But if you love nature, you will find this activity to be really fun. Go outside and collect some leaves from your backyard and press them in a book or a leaf presser. This is the leaf presser I used. Then, after 1-2 weeks, collect the leaves and put them into a scrap book. It can be a picture scrapbook or a special one for leaf pressing, it really doesn’t matter. This can be a fun activity for the nature-loving kids out there.

Collecting: One of the most simple projects on this list, this is very, very broad. You can collect anything, from marbles in your basement corner to little toys you get in those eggs. I collect certain seeds every time my family goes on a walk. This can give each day a sense of purpose besides getting your work done on time.

Bird Wreath: Online you can find these wreaths made of seeds that the birds like to eat. Hang it up in your backyard and in a few days it will be pecked clean. I find this a fun idea because you can hang it up near your window and watch pretty birds eat. It is a nice activity to bring wildlife to your home while you are stuck inside.

Cook Off! Like to cook? Try this. Do a at home Chopped competition! This is really fun for people who like to cook (or just people), because: 1, they get to cook, 2, it is a competition, and 3 it is a nice way to do something fun. Do it every week or every day if you want too, because you always want to have something to look forward to each day.

I hope you find these activities fun and I hope you all are safe.

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