May 1st 2020 archive

Connect with your friends – Quarantine self-help pt 6

If you aren’t connecting with your friends, things can get depressing. Even if you hate socializing (like me) it is a good thing to connect with peeps, because thats what humans are meant to do. Here’s ways you can connect with people:

Zoom: Zoom can work with any email, and is good for large groups. Download it on your computer or phone and create a meeting. I wouldn’t recommend this for on the spot video chats, because on this you have to schedule a meeting, you can’t just click and start a chat, and you can’t actual message the people.

Texts and Messaging: You probably all know what this is, so I am not going to explain it, but there is one thing you should know. You need a phone number to do it, so email doesn’t make the cut on this one. But this is easy two taps for face-time and call do this is a good option for people with phones.

Google hangouts: This is the google form of texting that only needs an email (certain types) to work. You can download the app on your phone or find it in your google apps and in your gmail on your computer. This is the communicating app I use and I recommend it for you and your friends.

House party: House party requires a phone number, but it is a great way to connect with people. Unlike any of these apps, House Party has built in games that you can play, and they are really fun. This is the best way to connect for kids who have phones.

I hope you all are well.