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Curling Field Trip

Hiya everybody! Today we went on a field trip to the Ardsley Curling Club to curl. As part of our curling unit in Gym, we go on a field trip to actually curl on the ice, instead of using carpet squares on the Gym floor. We have been on the curling unit for about a month, the trip calling the unit to a close. The club has a total of three lanes (six houses) and the field trip was pretty great. Sadly, I am not the best curler, but I found it really fun, despite my lack of athletic ability. I especially love sweeping. We split up into teams, and got taught by volunteers how to curl. We learned how to correctly throw the stone and about the rules on the ice. It was actually really fun and I enjoyed it very much! We played the actually game for about an hour, before heading back to Heathcote. I believe the entire class enjoyed it and I hope you like curling too.

Feature Article – Done at last!

Hello everybody! After a month of hard work, me and Lsteil27 finally finished our article about Heathcote! Yay! We did the topic of Truancy for our article. No idea what that is? Check out our article below!

Feature Article – Reflection

Hello! In this post we are going to go though the process of making my article! The first part of me and Leo’s journey is explained in our first video. After receiving the survey and laying out the article, we got to work. We worked on our intros, which I got to say, needed some work. We worked on the actual paragraphs, and we added features and headers. We had to shrink down our writing so it would fit in the Google Slide that we were designing the article. About halfway into our work we interviewed Roan and Ajene about our topic, truancy. We gathered all our information and created our article. I have to say it’s pretty good, check it out in the post called, “Feature Article – Done at last,” and see our work of art. Right now we are finishing up our work. And by the way, we also have to do a PODCAST too. I just did mine a day or two ago, and it was, well, um, how do I put this, a little boring. I had to go out in the hallway and shove my head in a box to make the sound sound “podcasty”. But overall this was a bit repetitive, hard work, and a pretty good way to end the year 2019! Have a great holiday everybody!

Feature Articles – Starting the unit

A new unit is here! In writing, we are being journalists and writing about Heathcote school! So far, it’s been awesome! We are working towards writing enough articles to make a whole 5R newspaper! First we had to chose topics. (We’ve been assigned a partner to work with) Our topic was absences, and the law about them. We chose this topic because people aren’t exactly educated on the law of absences. We had to research a BUNCH. We took down notes and websites that tell you information. We scheduled interviews and will soon do them. We lied out the first layouts of what the article gonna look like, and surveyed lots people on our topic.

Overall, the start of the unit was really fun, but really busy. We’ve been doing so much this past two weeks, I may have forgotten to list some of the things we did! I wouldn’t say this unit is going to be hard, but I wouldn’t say it is going to be easy. I am looking forward to the next part of this unit!

Ending Rocketry – Launch Two

Alas, the rocketry unit has come to a close. We launched our newly developed rocket into the air. On a terribly windy day and cold, we took our supplies and headed into the launch zone. After using trundle wheels to mark where we were going, assigned people put the launch pad down and attached everything to everything. Then we launched. 19 meters!!! 5 more meters than the last launch, we found our newly made nose cone helpful in developing a better rocket. Expedition mars has succeeded!!!

Rocketry has been a REALLY fun unit. From doing research to being on the field counting down, I loved it all! Even though our rocket didn’t go very far, we still had fun. I’d like to thank my wonderful group for being amazing teammates. I would also like to thank Mr. Casals for helping me with Rocketry videos and all of that. Mrs. Robert as the one actually setting up the launch. Last thank you, all of you!

I made a video documenting ALL the things my team and I did. Here it is!

Expedition Mars and Our Rocket, The Aquarius

This is created by all of our group before we launched! Hope you enjoy!

Expedition Mars – Claire, Ajene, Hunter, Issac

We the people of Expedition Mars, designed a special rocket called the Aquarius, to go as up in the sky as we can make it go. It is special because we designed it as skinny as possible. We also made it so it wouldn’t be too light to get caught in the wind, but not too heavy to not have the best propulsion as possible. when building a model rocket, you really want everything to be medium size, the nose cone, not too pointy, not to round. The body tube, not that heavy, not that light. The fins, just the middle length. We are planning to get the Aquarius as high as a model rocket can go!

When you launch a rocket that has a body tube that is way too heavy, drag and weight catch up with it very soon after it goes into the air, causing your rocket to fall just as it gets into the air. But if the body is too light it will get caught by the wind and will drift very far away, and you will be sad. So you need a body tube not to heavy, so it will go in the air, but not to light, so it won’t go sideways either. You need something just right.

We need a medium fin because the fins get caught in the wind and drift. But if we use a small fin it would n’t do anything or the air would get caught. Or if we use a big fin then it would catch the wind and go very far away. If we use a medium fin then it would push up to the sky. 

If you make a rocket without a nose cone and try to launch it, it won’t work because if the nose cone isn’t there the top of the rocket would be flat. If the top rocket is flat and you launch the rocket, the rocket would only go so far and then wind resistance will come by and say hello and make your rocket go down down down. That’s why we are designing our rocket with a skinny nose cone

We want to make the best thrust and landing that we can muster. Our medium sized everything will hopefully get us up into the air. We hope the Aquarius comes back safely to the landing point. Making a rocket will be difficult but I think our design will work out just right!

Rocketry Reflection – A Great Unit – Launch one

We had been doing rocketry in class! We launched to today! 5 groups worked for (about) two weeks on rockets, made to go in the air. Our group, called Expedition Mars, worked together and created the Aquarius, a beautiful rocket with six fins, one pointy nose cone, and a long body tube. It is fueled on air pressure. (I wouldn’t call that fuel, but still) Using metallic tape, construction paper, hot glue and cardboard, we put together the rocket, piece by piece. It was the perfect design. But due to poor gluing and uneven fins, our rocket only got 14 meters in the air, the lowest of the class. It was devastating, but I think my fellow group mates and I will pull it together for the second launch!

To actually launch the rocket, we needed to do a few things. Before we even put out the launch pad, we needed to take a trundle wheel (look it up) to mark out where we should put everything. Then, in the middle of the field (where we were launching) we would place the launch pad down, and put a pipe in the launch pad. We put the rocket on top of the pipe. Then we would pup the pipe full of air with a bike pump. After putting on our safety goggles and counting down from ten, we would release the air pressure, and the rocket  would go flying. 50 feet away from the launch, kids would be using clinometers (look that up too) to find out how far up the rocket went. We, Expedition mars, went first. As I said, we got 14 meters. Poor us. When a team launched a rocket, they would have to do some jobs. One person, would pump the rocket full of air. Another person, would count down from ten before they launched, (I did that job, I’m super loud). Then one person would record the whole thing, and the last person would release the air pressure. Group took turns doing the clinometer readings. I may post how we built our rocket, which was made by all of my group, but I may not. So, the launch was pretty good!

Hello 2019-2020 School year!!

The summer is over and the school year is here. Yay! I am now a 5th grader!!

I am writing this on the eve of the fourth day of school. My teacher is great and I have a TON of my friends are in my class. I feel like I have never left. Everything is basically the same. Except, We (the 5th grades) are the queens/kings of the school. The oldest, the tallest and the most mature. But the biggest change is all the privileges. So many. You could fill the sun with them. (not really, but you see what I’m saying). I/we have made promises to ourselves that we will keep all of them. I have a feeling 5th grade is going to be awesome!

Summer was great too. After a tearful goodbye to 4th grade, I went on a tiny trip to san diego, which was super fun! Then after a few long days, I went to Eden Village camp for three whole weeks! It was amazing!!!! (And dirty) I rested and relaxed for a week. Then I went to Scandinavia! BEST TRIP OF MY LIFE!!! I went to Copenhagen, The Star fiord (fiords in Norway) and Stockholm. All of them were great, (but I liked Norway the best) I was too caught up in the summer that I forgot to blog! Sorry! I will try a bit harder.

I am looking forward to a great school year!


Goodbye School year 2018-2019!!!!

It’s been a long year. I’ve come a long way from those silly posts I made in October. It’s the last full day of school, and I am sad to leave school, but happy to go to camp. I will miss everyone in my class. *sniff*, I’m getting emotional.

I won’t be as active with my posts but I will try to post whenever I can.

HAGS! (have a great summer) to all students!!!!

Colonial America – pt 7 – Refletion

We are waving the colonial america unit goodbye after two long months of hard work. My teacher wanted us to wright a reflection of the unit, so here it is:

So, it’s pretty awesome being another person. Like, I thought this unit was going to be trash, but it wasn’t. A few weeks into the process, we were assigned colonies. I got put into a new England colony (this was fake), called Rockwood.

Then we became our colonists. I was wanting to be someone strong, calm and a little bit lazy; carefree. So I created Ebony, the governor of Rockwood. Ebony had a hard life back in England, but got to america and everything changed. She became loved and strong. I really loved impersonating someone because I always want to get out of my life and like, become someone else. Leaving my life and going back in time to put my spirit into someone and BE them. Ebony is the person I would want to be in that time young, spirited, and strong.

Ebony (Lusha) Stark has been through a lot. Like, A LOT. The boat ride, to her colony, was treacherous. Then she faced a hard winter while building the colony. Then her best friend got thrown in jail without a trial. So much more happened to her, but she managed through it. Each blow she took I took too, it was like her and my body were connected. I felt her pain and glory. Everything, she and I went through it all. I never really thought that she is a different person then me.

So, now let’s get to the process. We had to make ALL these relics, Ebony’s diary, her letters, her newspaper her stamps her EVERYTHING. Then we made a book out of it. I also wrote her life story, then turned it into an ignite. ignite is a 145 seconds presentation, with the slide advancing every 15 seconds. This was SO STRESSFUL and to be honest I HATED IT. but like yeah I had to do it. So, after we got that sorted out we did toy theaters. You could be placed in the french and Indian war, the stamp act, the Boston massacre, the Boston tea party, the midnight ride, and the declaration of independence. I was placed in the Boston Tea party. We created a script, puppets, a perciniam, and senses. It was all REALLY stressful, and I wish I didn’t have to do it. But I must admit, it was a good experience. So, I am really happy with this project, I love Ebony, and I give this unit a thumbs up!!!!

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