Posts Tagged ‘Immagration’

Immigration Unit

Another unit has come and gone! In social studies, we have been learning about immigration. We have been doing this for about a month and a half. But to end this unit, we have interviewed someone that has immigrated to America, and do an Adobe Spark presentation about it. Through the weeks, we have gathered information about immigrating, and put it to use in detailed questions to ask our interviewees. After creating the questions, we used our skills from our Journalism unit to correctly conduct an interview. After completing the interview, we used our information and put it into an Adobe spark slideshow. We had to use good pictures, icons, and wording to support our immigrates story in the best way we can, because we have to have a story that is clear, not some random pile of information. Overall, the unit was fun and I had a good time creating the presentation.

Below you will find the video. I hope everyone is well during this crisis.