Capstone #5: Answering My Main Inquiry Question

Finally, after all these weeks of researching I finally finished my research. I finished my research because I answered my main Inquiry Question. My main Inquiry question is, “How Has Aviation Improved?”

Here is what I’ve Done to Answer My Main Question:

I’ve looked and several websites, videos and books to get all my information. I’ve had a interview with Rudi and a Site Visit hosted by Rudi as well. All this information added up and finally answered my main Inquiry Question. Here is some facts of how aviation has improved:

Aviation luxury use to be VERY luxurious and as time went on they made things less luxurious due to safety reasons and for making more money. Aviation has become safer because of better technologies being invented and because of more accidents so they could learn more and improve from them. Even if tragedies happen, like 9/11, but we learn a lot from them so they won’t happen again. A United Airlines flight and a TWA flight mid-air collided over the Grand Canyon causing the invention of the Air Traffic Control system that still exists today, and 9/11 created a better security system called the TSA, this made better security systems so this incident wont happen again AND the cockpit doors got locked so that If the terrorists get on the plane they cant enter the cockpit because it will be locked.

We learned a lot from accidents and new technologies, but we need to know what to do for the future. In the future many aviation experts have goals to make aviation better for the environment.

In conclusion, I am proud to have answered my main Inquiry Question.

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