Capstone #6: Working On Our Final Projects

After weeks of research and answering my main Inquiry question, we had to put it all together in one script and a slideshow, since I am doing a TED Talk. This script and slideshow was in fact our final projects for the big Capstone project.

I worked and worked on my script, since my research was so good and I had a lot, I wanted to put all of it in my script, which I did. However, my script became 1400 words! WAY TO MUCH. So Ms. Boyer had me remove parts and then I had 800 words, I wrote a little more and ended up with 1200 words. After time passed I was told to move my script from paper to some keywords on index cards, it took me a while but I did so. I ended up with 9 index cards with keywords. My original time when I recorded saying my script was 12 MINUTES!!! My next time went down to 10 Minutes. After I put my script on index cards it went down to 8 minutes and stayed around that time. After that I kept practicing and practicing.

My slideshow for my Capstone was a hit. After I wrote my script, first draft, I started making my slideshow. I got images that were in black and white for the early years of aviation slides, that was really cool. It was really cool because back then a camera could only take black and white images so I thought it was cool to get images taken at that time. I pulled all my images together with some text on the slide. Let’s skip the boring part about the process…  After I completed the slideshow I then had to work on my script…

Finally after I completed my script and slideshow I had to work on practicing… I practiced for a week, and then I knew that I knew my script well and now I had to clean up my slides, I added some animations. I needed to check everything, I needed to check if everything is ready for my presentation. I needed everything to be almost perfect for my presentation in a 2 weeks, then I practiced for another week. I got the idea from my fellow teachers and classmates that I should make business cards. They actually look SO COOL! If you want to see my business cards make sure to come to my Capstone Presentation!

Now I need to keep practicing and polish my slides, script, blogs, etc. I think I am in a really good position for my project. In conclusion, working on my final projects is really fun, and that is what I was working on for my final project. I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading! 😉

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