Design Portfolio: The Technology of Buckets

Have you ever carried a bucket of sand to build a sand castle? Well I know I have. Something I have always wondered is what is the technology of buckets? Buckets can hold things so you don’t have to carry them by hand. If you are carrying them by hand  they may slip or fall. This invention is definitely helpful and one of the most used inventions in the world. It helps make carrying things easier. If you combine a bucket with a pulley it can work to cary the contents of the bucket over to the other side.

Design Portfolio: Technology of Glass in Windows

Glass. You see it when you look out your windows, but what is the technology of glass? The technology of glass is that it is hard and clear. These things make glass a very popular material to make windows out of. They solve a  problem as well ,when it is really stormy outside and you want to make sure that trees are not going to fall on your house you can look through a window and still be warm inside your house and you do not need to get wet in the storm. Glass in windows is specifically clear so you can look outside but solid and strong so wind or rain does not get into your house.

Final Project – Spreadsheets

I was really excited when I got to work with spreadsheets again. I decided to do the pet info activity.  In this sheet there were multiple pets. This sheet was about population of pets. It was also about what pet was most popular. An example of a formula I wrote is =C6/B6. It is very cool how all you have to do is tap a cell and it will tell you it’s location. My row shows the average number of that pet in each house hold. I really enjoyed working with spreadsheets.



Spreadsheets 2

I created my spreadsheet this week by making a copy of the wellness log. I am learning so much about spread sheets. The way I write my formulas is I always start with an equals sign, then I click a cell and I put a operation sign in. I do the same thing with the other cells then it shows you all different data. You should use this data and apply it to your sheet. Another way you can use this is for a different type of log or other data. Spreadsheets are most commonly use to organize data usually numbers.