I wanted to learn more about the wars that the U.S. has fought so I chose that for my passion project. I wanted to learn about the causes of the wars and the battles. I decided to my passion project about a little bit of all of the wars that the U.S. has participated in.
My first idea was doing U.S history but then I narrowed it down to military power. After I wrote my introduction I decided that it was not about the military power it was about the wars the U.S. fought so I changed it to U.S wars. The web that I used was on google drive and I put a shape in the middle showing my topic and the shapes on the outside were possible narrowed in idea.
My first questions sounded like this. Who were the battle heroes. After that it was about what they did and why they’re famous. After that I did questions like did they have any help from spies and people worked for them.
Next I started doing research. I first put on all the ideas i had prior knowledge on, on the page. Next i did my research on the topics I did not know like the French and Indian war and world war I. After that I started filling in the gaps by researching the topics that I know to complete my pages that I had prior knowledge for.
Next I started putting the slides together. I did in in time order so the french and indian war first and the cold war last. After I started editing it so it sounded better. Most of the edits were putting the period after the S in U.S. And that is how I made my slides.
This is a link to my google slides.