Immigration Post #5 – Editing Spark Video

After I had all of my slides done, I had to make my Spark Video perfect. I edited all slides, checked for spelling errors and changed lower cases to capital letters. I also made sure that what I was saying when I was recording made sense with what was on the screen.  I also made sure that everyone could hear me clearly. I also had to choose music that supported my slideshow. After editing I realized that I did not have information about where Indira arrived in America. I then texted her to get the answers. Then I added her answers to my Spark video. I think I did a good job editing.

If you would like to see my immigration video click on the link below.



Immigration #4 – Making a video

It was finally time to make a Spark video. I started my video, then came to a problem. I had to upload all of the pictures the immigrant Indira sent to me. This took some time but eventually I was able to do it by downloading the drive app. Another problem that I had to face was that some images I had weren’t adjusted properly. To solve this problem, I had to use Spark post. Spark post enables you to adjust images and text. Then you can later download Spark post into your Spark video. After I was done with most of my slides, I started to do audio. Recording took multiple tries to get right because sometimes people are talking when you are doing the recording and sometimes I said the wrong thing or forget my line. So far I am doing well on my Spark video.

Immigration #3- Spark video

At school my computer teacher showed me a new website to make a video/slideshow! It was called Spark! My computer teacher showed us how to use Spark, and then told us we were going to make a spark video about immigration. Spark is like a slide show that can have videos as well. Spark will be an easy way to show off what I learned about immigration from my research, and my interview. I am looking forward to using spark video.

Blog Post #2-Interview

This weekend I interviewed an immigrant. That Immigrant’s name is Indira. I asked her plenty of questions and she answered them all. Meanwhile I had the camera rolling. My dad taped me on a face time with the immigrant. This interview gave me plenty of information. I am very lucky to have the opportunity to interview an immigrant. This inspired me to learn more about the topic.

Immigration Project-1

This year my teacher assigned us an immigration project! We have to interview an immigrant, and create a spark video with the things we learn. But before we can interview an immigrant, we need 10-15 interview questions. 10 of them have to be open ended. Open ended questions are questions that aren’t one word answers, open ended questions should give the person your interviewing a chance to describe what happened in detail. These are some examples of open ended questions:

How was America better or worse than what you expected? Please explain.

How has your life changed since you came to the country?

On the other-hand, there are also closed questions or red light questions. These questions usually provide one word answers. Here are some examples:

How old were you when you left?

What is your full name? Where were you born? Where did you grow up?

Click here to see my interview questions

This should be a fun project!