Tech Post #2- Breakout EDU

Today at Technology we did a breakout EDU. The class was firstly split into two teams. Both teams goals were to open up a box. Both teams got there own box to open. The only setback was that there were three locks on the boxes. The teams had to find clues hidden around the room. These clues can help you crack the code to the locks, but there was also an alternative. If you could open a separate box you would get a secret tool that would give you an advantage to opening the locks.

As we stared the competition I started looking for clues. I immediately found something that caught my eye. There was a sign on the wall that had 1st highlighted in red. I thought it meant something so I told my team. A teammate than tried the combination first on one of the locks, and believe it or not it worked. After a first success my team went back to work hunting for clues. A teammate found a clue with a bunch of safety rules on them, only some weren’t true. We than decided which ones were correct, and found that they made a pattern. We put the pattern in the direction lock and another lock was cracked.

After that lock was solved, we were stuck fo a long time… until I found another clue. At this point we were tied with the other team. We each had one lock left. The clue was underneath a silver tray on my table. The title of the paper was everything that’s wrong. After trying to interpret what the clue was trying to say, someone at my table had an idea. On the clue my classmate found there were numbers on the right and wrong rules. We took the numbers from the wrong rules, put them in the lock and… it opened. We cracked the code, and opened the box. Inside there was the simple for Breakout EDU. We opened the box and beat the other team.

Later we learned that the mystery item that could help us was a UV flashlight to read invisible ink. But we did it with out the light!

Overall I thought that Breakout EDU was a vey fun experience.

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