Passion Project Resources

After Crafting my final presentation it is time to give you all of the sites  that helped me get all of the information I need.

The resources I got my information from are:


Cal Tech

University of Illinois.

All of these resources were found online.

I am glad to say that my passion project has gone as planned.

Stay alert for my final blog post.

Passion Project #5-Challanges

Through the course of the passion project journey I had to overcome many obstacles. The biggest one was figuring out what to put in my final product.

Over the course of the project I have filled out many documents of information and I had to squeeze it into a 6 minute video. I ran through all of my information and highlighted the best parts. This alone took hours. But when I completed it I knew that more challenges would await me. I still had not even started my final product and who knew if I could complete it by the deadline of Friday.

But I was more worried about noodle tools. I missed a zoom lesson on noodle tools and I only have a faint idea of what it is. And to make matters worse every time I try to get into the website it kicks me out. I have contacted my teacher on this and I am hoping that he responds.

Stay tuned for more updates

Passion Project #3-Researching

So far my researching has been going very well. I am happy to say that I am very much liking the topic I picked. I also have found so many good resources.

NASA has proved to be very helpful. And so have Illinois and Cal techs websites. But I also have found two more helpful resources. An encyclopedia with multiple pages on rockets, and a book about engineering witch also has good information on rockets. These resources are making it easier for me to answer my sub questions. I am relieved to see that I have many resources. And I am also happy that not all of them are online, because if something happens like it did yesterday where the internet crashes, I don’t k now where I would get my research from.

In addition to the information I am giving on my blog I am also now have a google doc with more information there.

Stay tuned for more posts.

Rube Goldberg #1 – Choosing Teams

Our teacher introduced us to a new project, making Rube Goldberg machines. Rube Goldberg machines are when something starts a complex chain reaction that does a simple everyday life task.

We started out by splitting ourselves up into groups, partners, or working alone that we wanted to build the Rube Goldberg machine with. My group including three classmates: Eli, Reece, and Chase.Next, we tried to make plans on when we were going to meet with each other. We decided to work with each other on Mondays and Fridays. After that we decided that the Rube Goldberg machine was going to be at my house because of all the building equipment that I have.

Our days that we were going to meet didn’t go as planned. One group member had to go to a sports event and other members had conflicts. Since we couldn’t meet I started working on the Rube Goldberg alone. I started by making a drawing of what I wanted my machine to look like, then I started building it. While I was building it I found that I couldn’t get to the top of the table from the ground. It took hours for me to figure out a solution. My solution was having a tennis ball make a wind-up car move which made another wind-up car move on top of the table. I was making progress. I was already on the 6th step before my group could even meet.

Then, on the Monday after the Rube Goldberg was assigned, my group came over to my house to work on the Rube Goldberg machine. The only problem was that my group didn’t want to work on the Rube Goldberg machine… they wanted to play on my Xbox and eat snacks!  After two hours of meeting, all we accomplished was one less step than I started with because one of my group members accidently knocked the pieces of a step down on his way out. I managed to fix it, but it took time.

I hope that in the future when my group meets we will be more productive.

Maglev Day 3

We  had our success! After a lot of tries we had finally got it.We got to have a special cup that could hold the most marbles.After we put all the marbles in we tested to see if it could keep levitating.It barley worked it  was efficient but not very safe . what we did was we put strip magnets in three rows of three.It made it levitate so much higher then one. After hat we used a special cup to  hold more marbles. We finally got it!