Passion Project post- Newtons laws apply to rockets

I have been researching more about rockets In a book called, “The Encyclopedia of Knowledge“ when I came across the answer to one of my sub questions. What role do physics have on rockets. Based on what I have read, I now know that they have a huge role on rockets. Let’s start with Newton’s first law. Just in case you are not familiar With newtons laws I will right them out.

Newton’s first law:

All things will either stay still or move with a steady speed unless a force acts upon it. This idea is called inertia.

This is how the first law contributes to rocket. When a rocket sets on the launch pad with it’s engines switched off, there’s no overall force acting on it. Inertia keeps it in place so it goes nowhere.


Newtons second law:

When a force acts on something it makes it accelerate. To go faster, slower, or change direction.The bigger the force, the lighter the object the more it accelerates.

This is how the second law of motion contributes to the rocket, The main engines and booster rockets fie out hot gas. This creates a huge downward force that accelerates the rocket upward. In other words the engine is a force that makes the rocket accelerate upwards. The third law of motion also has a big role in this.


Newtons third law:

For every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.

Newtons third law contributes to rockets perhaps the most out of the three laws. When I say action I really am talking about force. So when the engines burst out exhaust gas pointing down, there is an equal and opposite reaction, wich is the rocket accelerating upwards.

Newtons laws truly play a huge role in getting the rocket off the ground.

Passion Project #1

In English this year we are doing a passion project. To think of what I wanted to do I had to brainstorm what I enjoyed. The first thing that cam to my mind was engendering. Specifically architectural engineering. But I couldn’t do that. I already did that for my capstone project last year. So I thought up some other types of engineering, and came up with rocket and aerospace engineering. As soon as this idea came to me, I would not pick anything else. First of all I liked building with anything from bocks to just books, and I love rockets.

When I was younger I used to watch videos on rockets reaching the moon. I always watched in awe, wondering how could these rockets fly so high, and defeat gravity at extreme levels. This all I would soon find out through my passion project.

If you want to see my passion project proposal just click the link.


I will be giving daily updates on my progress so stay tuned for more.

Passion Project Proposal

Dear Mr. De Barry


I have decided that I would like the topic for my passion project to be rocket engineering. I am going to explain how to build a rocket. I think that this is the right project for me because I have always loved engineering, and I think that rockets would be a fascinating topic to research on, especially because I know little about them. When I was little I used to watch videos on going to the moon. I always watched the rockets in awe. I wondered how they worked, and in this passion project I finally have a chance to find out. In this project I am going to explain the basics on how rockets work and how they are built.

My first question that I need to research is, what are the essential parts of a rocket and how do they work? The answer to this question will be important to my presentation because the answer may allow me to branch off into new questions to be answered. My second guiding question is how do you build a rocket and what tools are needed to do this. After answering this question, I will research the tools that are used to build rockets and become more familiar with them. 

Some of my sub questions are:

  • What role does physics have on rockets
  • What happens when rockets come out of the atmosphere
  • What engines are used to power the rockets and what fuel do they use
  • How do rockets differ from one another

I will need to look at many different sites to get the information I will need.

I am going to start at NASA’s website then build off from there. I will probably go to Illinois and Cal Tech’s websites on rocket engineering.

Next I will read books on rocket engineering for additional information, such as:

  • Fundamentals of aerospace engineering.(A book I have purchased on Amazon.)


I think that my final product will be in video form. I think I will use an app like We Video or IMovie. I am also going to give information and updates on my research through my blog daily. I am very excited to begin researching and to learn more about engineering rockets.

From Connor