Through Your Eyes

castanedanpr_mini_wide-ac2583b856126f29bd77685a5a7fde2c3503f637-s1500-c85It’s easy to see the world through your own eyes. But seeing it through the eyes of another person takes some practice and heart to fully understand their experiences. Listen to the story linked below. Respond to the following:

  1. write about how this story provides an example of empathy.
  2. write about a time when you empathized (been aware or understood the feelings of another person) with someone else.
  3. Briefly explain (to someone younger than you) why the girl felt shame.



Why Do We Get Itchy?

Every wonder why you get itchy? What is happening inside our bodies that make us scratch? Watch this Life Noggin video to learn the science behind that scratchy feeling. In the comments section of this post, write what you liked about this video and explain in your own words why we itch.

What If You Don’t Brush Your Teeth?

badteeteethImagine going to a birthday party and stuffing your mouth with handfuls of snack foods and candy and extra heapings of delicious ice cream cake. Ever wonder what would happen if you went to bed without brushing your teeth? Probably nothing too bad. Not right away. But what if you chose not to brush your teeth each day?  Read this Wonderopolis story and in the comments section of this post, explain whether you think daily brushings are important and why.

Why Does the Earth Need Its Moon?

Orion Nebula-Moon-Saturn Fantasy

Orion Nebula-Moon-Saturn Fantasy

What if we looked into the night sky and never saw the moon? Our world shares one moon. It has become a part of our global culture, often humanized to help us make sense of our lives. Famous writers have used the moon in such a way:

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars!” – Norman Vincent Peale
“Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” – Mark Twain
“We ran as if to meet the moon.” – Carl Sandburg

But does the moon serve a purpose to the people who live on Earth?  Do we, here on Earth, need it to survive? Do other moons in our universe offer answers of whether there’s life elsewhere in the universe? What do you think? Read this article from Earth and Sky news and write what you think.