At the beginning, it was very hard to know what to start with because we had all of these materials out and we didn’t know what would work and what would not work. I realized we had to cover the basics and be creative. The three of us got really tired and wanted to do something else after 15 minutes of trying and nothing working. We decided to work for 10 more minutes. Seven minutes later, we came up with an idea to use a metal circle as a basketball hoop and the ball would go down a ramp.
After coming up our plan for the first step, we decided to take a break to play golf and Fortnite. Then we decided to go back upstairs and work on the project a little bit more. We tried to plan for the next step. We thought we would have something hit dominos. But we didn’t have dominos.
At the end, I didn’t think we got a lot done. I think we need to stick to simpler materials and steps and work our way up to adding something more complicated after we have most our steps done.