Questions and Changes – #1


    In my class we do an immigration unit and you need to interview someone that experienced being an immigrant. You have to ask that person 10-15 questions about their immigration experience. Next, you use something called Spark Video and you make a 3-5 minute video.


   At first, I chose my grandma who was giving me information about my great grandma. My grandma wasn’t an immigrant, but I thought because she knows about my great grandma’s immigration experience I could interview her. Turns out I could not interview my grandma because she never actually experienced being an immigrant. So I had to figure another immigrant. I remember that my Aunt Ali is an immigrant from Canada. My aunt was only 6 when she immigrated, but her father remembers the experience more vividly. So I decided to interview my aunt’s dad.

Here is a link to my interview questions

These are my 10-15 questions that my immigrant will answer. I’m excited to see how he responds to these questions. I can’t wait for the interview.


Blog Post #4 – Changes


My group and I got a lot of steps done. We had a whole plan and I was  sure that it was going to work. We didn’t think about how many steps we had because we were so happy about what we did. First try everything worked well, it was a success. We kept doing it and we kept having success.

When I left Chase’s house I was very happy with our success and new steps. Later that night when I was home, I knew that something was wrong but I just couldn’t figure it out. I thought I would just be able to figure it out but I couldn’t. Next day at school I had great ideas for our Rube Goldberg, I thought to have a ramp hit dominos and then hit a ball which hits a truck. Then Reece had an idea to have the truck hit a cup which a soccer ball which goes into the goal. Then I realized we didn’t have enough steps before. I was so happy that we were finally in a good position