August 8

Why Custodians Are Helpful To The School.

Custoines are helpful to the school because they clean your messes, they set up assembles and they work really late to do their jobs.


Custodians are helpful to the school because they clean up your messes. Once It was the end of school and I didn’t push in my chair and I left my pencil on the floor. The bell rang and I just ran out of the room. Then, I didn’t realize that when the custodian came in he had to pick up that  pencil and push in my chair. Do you leave paper on the floor when you leave school? I bet you do and the custodian has to do all the things you didn’t do like push in your chair, pick up the paper you dropped and many more.


Custodians are helpful to the school because they set up assembles. At your school do you have assembles? If you do it’s all set up by custodians. Sometimes at assembles there are risers. Guess who had the hard job of putting those big risers up? Yup it was custodians they have the hard job.


Custodians are helpful to the school because they work really late to do their jobs. When do you leave school? I leave school at 3:00 but the custodians. They don’t leave the school until around 7:00. They leave school this late because your school has a lot of classrooms and the custodians have to clean all your messes. So if you cleaned your messes up the custodians would have less to clean up.
In conclusion custodians are helpful to the school because they clean up your messes, custodians set up assembles and custodians work really late to do their jobs.

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August 8

My Dog Named Karrie

Karrie is my cute puppy. Karrie is named after the actress Carrie Fisher who played Princess Leia in star wars. My mom wanted the name Carrie to be super unique so I suggested Carrie with a K so she got the name Karrie. Karrie is really energetic so she loves to run around like a crazy person and follows me every where I go in the house that she can get to. Every time me and my mom leave for school Karrie won’t stop whining and once my dad showed me a video of after me and my mom left and it was of Karrie sitting in front of the door whining and waiting for me and my mom to come home.

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May 16

Why Homes Should Be Less Expensive!!!$$$

Homes should be less expensive. If homes were affordable poor and homeless people would be able to find a house. If homes were less expensive than people would be able to get the house they really want. Homes are very important because they provide a place where you eat, sleep and live.


Homes should be less expensive because if homes were affordable poor and homeless people would be able to find a house. Some people live on the streets and don’t have enough money to buy a house. I’ve seen people living on the streets with signs that say, “Help I need money for a house.” or “Please give me money to get a new house.” When I looked in their collecting can, I noticed there was not a lot of money. This makes me feel bad. Have you ever walked or drove past a person with a sign asking for money? I bet you have. How would you feel if you needed money and you had to ask people for money? And almost no one gives you money. But if houses were less expensive… BOOM! There would be no more people living on the streets.


Homes should be less expensive because then people can get the house they really, really, really want. So, let’s pretend you were looking for a house, and you see a house you fall in love with (your dream house). Next you want to know the price. Then once you find out the price, you probably think you can afford it. Well, you are WRONG. The house is $500 and that is too much money. Five hundred thousand dollars is the price for a cheap house. Houses that are bigger are around $990. If homes were less expensive people would be able to buy houses that they really like.


Homes should be less expensive because homes provide a place to eat, sleep and to live in. It is very important that everyone has a place to eat, sleep and live. If you didn’t have a home you may not have a kitchen or dining room to eat in or a nice soft bed to sleep. Your house provides most of your everyday needs.
In conclusion, homes should be less expensive because if homes were more affordable poor and homeless people would be able to find a house, people would be able to get the house they really want and homes provide a place to eat, sleep and to live in. My house is my grandma’s old house. So if you got a house very easily BE  HAPPY YOU GOT A HOUSE AT ALL!!!!!!!

Category: writing | LEAVE A COMMENT
April 25

I Miss My Friend

My friend left for Japan and I’m really sad I cried the day she left. Today my class all wrote letters to her because we all missed her. I was so sad when she told me she was leaving but now I’m just glad I didn’t move.

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April 5

What the sun is made of?

The sun is made of burning gases. The sun is a nuclear engine and the nuclear reactions have powered the sun for billions of years. These reactions produce energy that travels through the sun’s layers released as light. Heat rises and gas falls. The sun’s core is made of hot dense gas. The outer part of the sun is about 10,000f and the core of the sun is about 27,000,00. The sun is so big you could fit over 100 earths across the sun. The sun is a million times the size of the earth. The Sun is all the colors mixed together, this appears white to our eyes.The sun’s surface isn’t solid. Flares of hot gas shoot out from the sun’s surface.The sun’s light and heat come from its core.

I got this information from…

“The sun”  brainpop jr 1/11/2017

A True Flix book “The Sun” by Christine and Taylor-Butler 2/13/2017

“The Sun” Brainpop jr 2/13/2017

“Sun.” World Book Kids. World Book, 2017. Web. 2/14/2017  

 “The Sun”PebbleGo. 2/14/2017

“Are sun’’ www.Astronomy for February 2/14/ 2017

“The sun” brainpop 2/14/2017

“Sun” space facts 2/15/2017

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