Expert lecture #5

In expert lecture five one of ms.Boyer’s friends came in her name is Jackie. Jackie is an macanical engineer. She does cool stuff with not cool stuff like making an instrement with paperclips and rubber bands.

She talked about her and how she got to were she was now. Her college and creations on the way. She explained some of the more scientific way of what she did because we are in school.

She wanted us to create something so she gave us some materials and taught us how to make kazzoos it was really cool though the noise was really annoying but it was fun and that is expert lecture #5…


expert lecture #2

For expert lecture #2 olivia’s mom came in to talk about her proffetion. She did fundrasing, orginizing fun raisers for kids and people who are not as lucky as us. So she taught us how she did that what materials she used to make her job a little more easy’er to her.

After telling us about that she told us too go and make our own fundraising comitee. I partnerd up with two of my friends in my class. Our’s was going to be about helping kids that have trouble with school extra help after school. And we got those details and thought up of a name and we did it simple. That is Expert lecture #2…


Rube Goldberg

My last meeting with my partner we successfully completed our rube Goldberg, the machine finally did what it was built for. So when we met again we new we had to do the last part of the project the video. We had to make a video so that we can present our rube Goldberg to our class.

The first thing we did was look over the video to see how it was it was good but not good enough so we had to run it again but from different angles this time. But we were still going to put the first time in our video. So we did it again and it worked so we started making the video on jasper’s dad’s computer.

So we started uploading everything onto Imovie, were we put the videos in order and everything started to fit and look good so then we watched it and it was very good even though we still had to do more changes on the video.

Rube Goldberg

Yesterday Jasper and I met again to work on our project. The project is at Jasper’s house, so when I’m not at his house he tries to think of new ideas so do I and test things we have so far in our project. We had to figure out “do we really have these items”. So what we’ve did is we new we had to come up with something else so we did and it looked much different then the first drawing. The hardest thing was having to try to figure out if this part of the project will work every time. We had some help from our mom’s they helped more with the testing part we dad the part we’re you try to figure out what comes next.


Rube Goldberg

Soon jasper and I will meet again. Next we will start building again and attempt our first try to do the whole thing will our fully built machine. We might have to make some more iterations. Hopefully we can get the rest of the project almost done.

Rube goldberg

So yesterday I met with my rube Goldberg partner jasper. last time he and I met we planned our machine out and drew it and wrote down a list of materials. This time was much more fun and exiting we met at his house where we’re doing our project. We we’re building our machine and we new it would be hard with our heavy materials. So we had to look over our plan and materials for what we needed to do.

When we started we looked at our materials and got the materials we needed. We realized that we did not get the little materials that we needed like tape or glue. After we got that sorted out we started building. We put together our first thing a little swirly thing we’re a marble goes through to the next obstacle.

We we’re having some trouble with the first part either sticking the swirly thing up to high or it falling over. We tested it a couple of times and tried to put some domino’s on it but it would not hold the dominoes so we had to change our plan bye making something go under it so the domino’s would stay on the ramp. I bet by the end of the project we would have done so many iterations to our first drawing.

Dvorak Creating a Piece

Writing a Dvorak similar piece was enjoyable. I liked using garage band. In garage band I tried different instruments and used the one that sounded the best. My piece was jaws like with the sound getting louder and the beat of the music gets in a way big. I did two pieces and three tracks on both pieces. Garage band is a good app to play music digitally. The second piece sounded like something you would here these days with some cool keyboard. My pieces were more like a conversation rather than the EKG way. I enjoyed using garage band because the instruments sound just like the real instruments in reality. I like to make fun and crazy pieces at home also with garage band.  I made one called country rock which was rock and roll and bass, guitar. And I mess around with the different instruments a lot.  Overall I think working on a piece that was like Dvorak was fun.

this is my second piece click on it and you will be able to here my piece