Rube Goldberg

My last meeting with my partner we successfully completed our rube Goldberg, the machine finally did what it was built for. So when we met again we new we had to do the last part of the project the video. We had to make a video so that we can present our rube Goldberg to our class.

The first thing we did was look over the video to see how it was it was good but not good enough so we had to run it again but from different angles this time. But we were still going to put the first time in our video. So we did it again and it worked so we started making the video on jasper’s dad’s computer.

So we started uploading everything onto Imovie, were we put the videos in order and everything started to fit and look good so then we watched it and it was very good even though we still had to do more changes on the video.

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