Time Manager:
I learned that I am a person who likes to set a plan and a layout at the very beginning of the project. I also learned that when I do this, I am not realistic. I had planned to finish all of my research before April started. When I made this plan I didn’t think about the fact that I also had other homework and April wasn’t very far away. So obviously I didn’t reach my goal, but I don’t really care because looking back, there was no way I was going to. I think I am making good progress either way. I am on track to finish in a few days. I have also learned that after my non-realistic plain fails I come up with a new one, that actually makes sense.
I think that realizing my flaws is really helpful so that next time I have a big project, I will try to be realistic in my initial plan. I think this will benefit because the earlier I have a plan the better.
I also learned that I am not good at understanding what I am capable of in the amount of time I have. At first I was planning to have three or four final projects, but I won’t have time for that no matter how hard I try. Again after I realized that my plan wouldn’t work, I fixed it. I narrowed it down to a how-to video and possibly a slideshow.
I am glad that I took this time to review my time management skills. I never really thought about it until today. In the future I hope to I correct my flaws, so this project can be my best work.
Reader/ writer:
As a writer I have learned that taking notes in color based on sources and making them really colorful helps me stay organized. I am really glad I took Mr. DeBerry’s suggestion and did it that way. This is because next time I do a research project, I can use this format to help me.
As a reader I have learned that when I read things that spark my interest, I remember them more. In other words if I was doing a research project on something I don’t care about, then I wouldn’t remember it as much. I am not really sure why that is, but it’s true.
As a learner I have learned that writing everything that I have to do out in the morning is very helpful. I think this is because I get to physically see what I need to do that day. Also it removes the risk that I will forget to do an assignment. I also learned that I mentally feel better when I get to have the chance to erase something. This is why I don’t love long projects because even if I do a lot of it, I still feel that I didn’t do enough. (If in the photo and in the writer portion you didn’t notice, I like to color code.)