Capstone Interview

When I chose my topic, Jury Selections, I knew that it would be easy for me to find someone to interview, since my uncle, Brain Hermann, was a lawyer. I asked him if he would do an interview and he said yes. When I had to come up with questions to ask him, I thought that asking some questions about his job and some about my topic would be good to get information, so I did. I came up with 10 questions to ask him. My interview was on Thursday, May 6th, at 8 pm. The interview went quicker than I expected and it took about 30 minutes. By the end, I got a lot of information about all of the questions I asked and it was cool doing a interview. I think that doing the interview helped me a lot with gathering information and learning more about my topic and sub-questions.

The questions that I asked were:

  • Why did you want to become a lawyer?
  • What do you like most about your job?
  • What do you like least about your job?
  • What is a typical day for you at work?
  • What training do you have to do to be a lawyer?
  • What are some challenges of finding and selecting a good juror?
  • What is a scientific jury selection and your experience with it?
  • When would you have to select a new juror/jury and have you ever had to re-select one?
  • What types of questions would you ask during the jury selection process?
  • What do you look for in a good juror and does it change depending on what type of trial it is?