Rube Goldberg Blog Post #2

Rube Goldberg machines are basically creations that you design to do a mini task for you, my task is that domino hit an empty water bottle into a garbage can. It didn’t take that long to make but the part that took long was the attempts it took many tries to make it work.

When I started building I needed to collect some materials. The materials I used on my machine were domino, a piece of cardboard, a garbage can, multiple golf balls, books, and finally an empty water bottle. After I collected my materials I got straight to work! As I got to work I was getting frustrated by the domino I kept hitting on accident! Although I made them fall a couple of times I got the hang of it.

Once I finished the build, it was a matter of testing. As I tried my first time I actually managed to get it on the first try. I freaked out of joy. I didn’t want to just end it there though. I tried multiple more times to see some fails and even if I could have it work again. I had three failures after my first try but then made it work again! It was incredible. I had to change one thing which was the domino’s hitting a ball that hits other domino’s but that wasn’t major. I changed my complete machine from the sketch I made.

After all that hard work that was put into it, it was time to take it down. I was proud of my work and think I did good on this project. Let me know what you guys think!

Albania – John

This is my cultural universals project on Albania. My friend Sam and I worked on the research for about 2 weeks. Then for 2 weeks we worked on the adobe spark video. We worked very hard to complete this project. We both learned more about Albania. I chose to do Albania because my whole family is from Albania even though Sam is not from Albania he still wanted to do it with me. I hope you enjoy!



Math Graphing Data

This is my graphing project. I surveyed my classmates and asked them “What’s your Favorite Sport to Play?” I tallied my results and created  a pictograph. On my slideshow, I created both a bar graph and a pictograph to display the data. One thing I enjoyed about this project was surveying my class. One thing I found challenging about this project was tracing over the pencil with sharpie. I hope you enjoy viewing my final Google Slides Presentation.

persuasive essay dog breeders

I believe that it is important to get a dog from a dog breeder instead of a dog store. In my opinion piece, I shared my reasons, which are dogs from breeders live on a farm with space to run and play and at a dog store they might not always have the dog you are looking for.

In my project I recorded myself on screencastify then shared my opinion piece. I liked working on this project a lot, even though it was a bit hard recording my voice and matching my voice with the pictures. It was still very fun. I hope if you read my slideshow and you will buy your dogs from a breeder instead of a dog store.