Site Visit

For my site visit I went to glossier in the city. It was a very cool experience and if I could i would do it over and over again!


When I got there I asked one worker some questions. Then I looked around and observed their display and products. Then I took loads of photos and videos. I tryed out new products and got some really cool stuff!


I learned a lot from there. I mostly learned about their brand but it gave me a bigger idea of maybe what some other brands do. I learned a lot about one of the hardest questions I have. That question is, How do brands come up with shade names? I learned a lot for that question!

I also learned some more about the prosess and how long it takes!


Now that I finished my site visit I can’t wait to go farther in the project!


Here are some photos!

Capstone-choosing a main inquiry question.

The next step in capstone is choosing a main inquiry question.

A main inquiry question is a question that I will make sub questions to answer the main inquiry question. There are a bunch of requierments to the question. With that in mind it made it a little more hard.


This was so tricky because I wanted to do my question on something related to designing makeup so I had to put that together. I tried doing so many possible questions but it was so hard!

I tried to think of other ways to lean toward that were not design but I wasn’t that passionate about the questions I came up with. After conferencing with Mrs. Cooper about it, I found my final main inquiry question.


The moment everyone’s been waiting for…

The final question….

Here it is…


It is…

How do makeup brands come up with new products and how do they get approved to be sold to consumers?

I really like it and can’t wait to do research on it!