Capstone Post #1 – Choosing a Topic

The first part of capstone is choosing a topic. This was one of the most difficult parts in Capstone because your whole Capstone project is about the topic you choose. One difficult part about choosing a topic is that there has to be enough research on it. For example if I choose a topic and I am having trouble finding information on it that would be a huge problem. Another difficult part is that you have to be interested in your topic. For example we shouldn’t just be picking a topic based on somebody that we could interview if we chose that topic. The last difficult part about choosing a topic is that when your choosing a question for your topic, your question can’t be easily answered by just typing it in google. It has to be a question that you research a lot on. And this is why choosing a topic is one of the hardest parts in capstone.

At first I was thinking about doing pickles. Not because I was really interested in them and wanted to learn about them, but because I know somebody that I could interview based on my topic, pickles. Then I realized this was a huge mistake, because if I started researching on something that I wasn’t really interested in, then I would be bored out of my mind during every time we work on Capstone at school. So this is why I changed my subject.

My final decision was to do my topic on poverty. I was thinking about something that I would be interested in while at the same time have enough information on it. I thought poverty was a big enough subject to research on so this is why I chose it.

I am really excited to start working on my Capstone project and I hope my final project turns out well. I also can’t wait to create my main inquiry question and my five sub questions.

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