😭 Computer Technology Reflection 4 (The LAST one) 😭

One thing I noticed about my coding skills in the beginning of the quarter was that my coding skills were lacking (A LOT). I didn’t know how to begin a coding project without a starters template. I didn’t know my way around the website, SCRATCH and I really didn’t enjoy coding. This was probably because I really didn’t know what I was doing. I would just be pressing buttons hoping they would have a cool outcome. I didn’t put any creativity or imagination towards my coding projects, but this all changed when I learned to code. As I began to open up towards coding, I realized how much fun you could have. I learned my way around scratch and realized all of the fun functions there were! I realized I began to use my imagination to create fun and interesting codes. One thing that I found myself really drawn to was storytelling. I loved how you could code the sprites to interact with each other and tell stories. One person that made storytelling really fun was one of my best friends, Sofia. Sofia and I made many really fun coding projects, specifically stories. We would time our screens to be perfectly in sync with each other while telling a story. Some of our projects include, Trick-or-Retreat, Two Truths and a Lie, Beach Trip and we are currently working on The Maze. I think that I’ve really grown as a coder and a scholar, although there is always room for improvement. 


Some things that I really want to learn more about are Python and Tynker. In elementary school my computer teacher was really passionate about Tynker. This inspired me to begin learning about Tynker and I found I really enjoyed it, but we weren’t allowed to explore the whole app. The functions were very limited and we could only play the games. Now that I know how to code and have the opportunity to use Tynker, I now can work with it more and improve on it. This quarter has been SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO fun. Leaving it will be really difficult, but I’m excited to learn how to build things and work with tools like CHAINSAWS in Mr. Calverts class. GOODBYE MS. CRONK. I WILL MISS YOU.Â