Computer Technology Reflection 3

What stood out to me about this story is how one group of high school kids went from nothing to huge success from pure hard work and dedication. The Arizona Team didn’t just focus on one specific part of the project, they spent time on everything including their design, report, presentation and so much more. The fact that they worked so hard on the small details really stood out to me because that was something that no other team really cared about including MIT! The Arizona Team showed us that nothing is impossible and that just because you might not be where you want to be in life, don’t give up. Work hard and persevere and you will find yourself where you want to be.

I think the students were rather successful in overcoming adversity. Think about it, they were a group of highschoolers living below the poverty line. They pushed themselves to their limits and never gave up. They had so many creative ideas like using tampons to stop the water leaks! They even beat MIT and received two other rewards, so I would definitely say that they overcame adversity!

After school, one huge challenge that they faced was the fact that their school were undocumented immigrants who came to America illegally. This was a huge problem that Oscar faced when trying to be a part of the army. When Oscar tried to apply to be in the army, they turned him down because he was undocumented. This was an important part of the movie to me because I found it odd that anyone would turn down someone wanting to help the country. However the army still turned him down. Christian also couldn’t afford college because proposition 300 which multiplied his tuition by 3! It’s so sad how these kids were so smart and brilliant, but so many people stopped them from having a good future.