Capstone Project #2 Inquiry & Sub-Questions

The next step in my Capstone blog post series was to create my very own inquiry question and a WHOLE lot of sub-questions. I’m super excited to share my new progress!

If I thought picking a topic was going to be hard, I was going to have a long road ahead of me! Inquiry and sub-questions are basically the base of your ENTIRE Capstone Project, and mine have to be perfect. My first idea was to just think. I would just sit there and think. Now looking back that wasn’t the best idea. But soon my creativity kicked in and I came up with the idea of trends starting a business and my question evolved around that. My mom and intern were a HUGE help which made a big difference in the long, long process because creating my own inquiry question was going to be a hard challenge. Help is something that everybody might need in this process! After nixing and nixing some ideas, my final question appeared, viola! How are trends helpful in starting up new businesses and how is it helpful in maintaining store success? Finally it came and boy am I glad! One part down and a whole other to go!
Continue reading Capstone Project #2 Inquiry & Sub-Questions

Action Arcade! Part 2

My class has been constructing an cardboard, styrofoam, mechanical arcade. We’ve been working on this like crazy for the past five months interviews are where were heading next…

In my classes arcade we have decided to interview one another to find out more information on each others top games. This video is a interview of the other creator and me telling the interviewer Julia, the steps behind our game Whack-A-Mole and all of the creative thinking that was added.

Action Arcade! Part 1

The 5-B arcade is a all hands on deck project. Everyone is helping out and is involved. We have a many hand created games that look amazing and work perfectly. We brought in a lot of the old, but favorited arcade games like Whack-A-Mole and Skee Ball. We’ve even added our own touches. Our classes version of Whack-A-Mole has humans standing inside a cardboard box and we have created balls wrapped up in tape to throw at our targeted paddles. Hitting the target on the paddle gets you two points, hitting the outer rim gets you one, hitting the “moles” gets everyone laughing and gets the “moles” singing the games theme song. We used tape as balls because of safety hazards so now everything is safe and complete. We’ve spent weeks coming up with our own hand made games and original posters and I know that it will be amazing, a big hit and an unforgettable experience!

This is my classes human Whack-A-Mole arcade game.
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