Capstone: Interview #2

I officially finished interviewing Ms. Justice and she was very nice, I also got a ton of new information that probably couldn’t come out of a website or a book. 

At first I was very nervous so I kept pacing around (which probably didn’t help) until Ms. Justice finally went on Skype and we officially started our interview. I started asking her questions and it was really fun because she showed me things in their museum that could basically also be part of my site visit, and she told me that the founder of their museum was the second person to dive down into the Titanic and find artifacts and she told me he noticed many things about the cracks on the side of the Titanic which could support his reasoning on how he thinks the Titanic sank. I also learned a few things about their museum like how the staff dress up like people that were on the Titanic like how Ms. Justice is a first class maid and how one of her coworkers is the “captain” of the Titanic. I had about 19 interview questions and when I had finished I discovered we had been talking for 23 minutes. In the end it was very fun and very interesting to learn so many new facts about the Titanic that I didn’t even feel nervous anymore during the interview.

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