Lima Beans 3rd Week


We are growing lima beans. one plant has water, sunlight, and air this one is the Controlled. The two Manipulatives have just water and sunlight [The No Air] the other Manipulative has just water and and air [The No Sunlight].

Growing Without Soil

A plant will grow without soil, but it won’t be as healthy because it does not have the extra nutrients it needs.

Controlled Compared to Manipulative

The no sunlight  is unhealthy because the plants either don’t have air or don’t have sunlight. When sunlight, air and water is mixed a plant can make food. Food helps the plant grow. Like humans food gives plants energy. The Controlled has all of them. The Manipulative does not have all of them. Also a leaf is combined with sunlight it can make food. You also need carbon dioxide to make leaves. This process is called photosynthesis.  The Controlled has carbon dioxide and sunlight. The Manipulative either only has just carbon dioxide or just sunlight. Did you know that if a plant does not have sunlight it will use all of its food storage to grow higher? The plant looks for sunlight. A plant does this because if the plant does not have sunlight it will die, if the plant does find sunlight it will make food.

Why The Plants Look different?

The plants looks different because they are in different conditions. For example the people that live in Antarctica look different from people that live in the desert. Just like how plants that have sunlight, air , and water look different than the plants that have no sunlight and no air. Different plants need different conditions. For example, if a cactus was sent to a place that had a lot of water it will die. Just like if you gave the flowers that live in the forest ground were sent to a sunny spot would die. Plants adapted to their environment.

Plant Growth

The no sunlight is unhealthy and it is yellow. Also, it is not growing the seed coat is still on. It looks the same as the no sunlight for the plants. I learned that the plant needs sunlight to grow. The no air is doing very bad it has crumbled leaves it was growing because the seed coat is off. 


Plants can grow without sunlight and  but it would be unhealthy. Plants can grow without soil, but it would not be as healthy without the soil.  


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