The book I am reading is The One And Only Ivan by Katherine Applegatemy partners are Pj and Sam.
Here is My 3rd Jot..
The book I am reading is The One And Only Ivan by Katherine Applegatemy partners are Pj and Sam.
Here is My 3rd Jot..
The book I am reading is The One And Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate my partners are Pj and Sam.
Here is a Jot I wrote…
My first book I am reading is The One And Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate my partners are Pj and Sam.
While we are reading we have to jot down our ideas on Padlet. My first jot was:
Ivan is very humble, kind, and gives encouragement. to Stella. For example he said to Stella “You would have made a great mother.” I think Ivan very nice, encouragementive, and humble to Stella because he knows how much pain she is in. Even though Stella told Ivan no, he still kept on giving encouragement and saying stuff like ” You would have made a great ____.” Think back when Stella is helping Ivan fall asleep. Envisioning that I am Stella: I am being told by my best friend that knows me so well that I would have been great raising a family. It warms my heart and I fell touched. Even though I know that it is harder than he thinks.
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