Capstone Blog Post #6
What would you choose to do your final project as? Would you do a 4-6 minute video, or a 4-6 minute Ted Talk, or a 3 minute Ignite where every slide has to be 15 seconds each? I decided to do a Ted Talk because, one I wanted the challenge of memorizing everything unlike a video, and two I wanted to have more freedom, unlike an Ignite. I think what will be easy is, writing a script and putting the slideshow together, but what will be hard is memorizing the script. However, like I said before, I’m up for the challenge.
Coming up with the script was easy just like I thought. At first, I came up with a hook, and then I took what I wanted out of my essay and then turned it into a script form. For example, instead of saying, “A lot of people argue that the game is too slow and boring so the shift should be banned.” Instead I ask, “Does the shift make the game less exciting? What I mean is by a fan’s standpoint, it gets boring when it is just out, after out, after out, because of the shift.” Get the point? When I was putting my slideshow together I focused on three things:
- Making sure the slides clean and consistent
- Making sure that the photos engage and keep the audience interested
- Making sure the photos matched what I was saying
At the start I thought it is easier to get the slides and the script all set up so I could memorize it and not have to change it along the way, and guess what? My thesis was right and, for this reason, I am having a way easier time memorizing my script. I separated my script into each slide and then taped each part onto a que-cards. In total I had 12 cards because I had 12 slides. After two days I had my script memorized! This happened because I just said my script until I got sick of it. Like if I was in the shower or in the car…
On Wednesday I am going to do my final recording of it, so come to my blog to find out how that goes. I am fully rehearsed and could record today if I had to so I’m in good shape. On Friday I am doing my capstone for my parents, as part of my moving up rehearsal.