Technology Blog Post (Week 3)

Writing About Anything

This is only the third week of technology, and we have already done so much fun things! We used a slice precision cutter in class. The cutter works very well going along with the grain, but not very well going against the grain. When you use it you have to cut on a 45 degrees angle, but make sure you do not push to hard as it can go through the wood. The other thing we used was a mini saw. This works well cutting against the grain, but not as well cutting with the grain. To start off using this you want to make a mark where you are cutting. Next you can slowly move the mini saw back and forth until the wood separates. In school we practiced using balsa wood. Overall these past few weeks have been fun, and I am excited to see what comes next.

Technology Blog Post Timber Harvest (Week 2)

Timber Harvest

There was a massive difference between the first video and the second and third video. In the first video the process took a lot longer and required way more people. In the second and third video the process was much quicker and took only a few people. This is because of all the technology advances since 1947. These videos show what technology really is. To help you do something more efficiently. In the second and third video the process was much more efficient because of technology. It was a faster process and required less people. Overall it was really cool seeing how life has changed over the years, from a lumbering standpoint.