Capstone Blog Post #2

For Capstone, I just did my interview. The purpose of an Interview for capstone is so you can get information direct and from a different perspective. This is one of my favorite ways to get information so far. This aspect of research really helps me with my capstone because I can get fresh information. 

During the process on who I was gonna interview, it wasn’t that hard to get an interviewer for me because my Aunt Elinor Slomiak is an interior designer. One of the most challenging parts about the interview was finding the perfect questions and making sure your interviewer can answer the questions. An easy part about the interview was finding who I was gonna interview because I already knew who I could interview. My favorite part of the Interview was when she was answering the questions because it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders because I was stressed about her not being able to answer my questions.

My experience conducting the interview was mostly fun and the most tiny bit stressful. It went just as expected. I gave her my questions and she answered them and then we talked a little bit about the project. Some new things that I learned is that when you meet someone that doesn’t have the same taste as you, you should try to be in their shoes and help them with the designs that they want. Another thing that I learned is that you should always be respectful of other people’s taste in design and not make fun of them because you never know how they are gonna react. You should just think from there prospective and then after help them with finding knew designs, and furniture for their house.

Overall I loved the interview. It helped me with my research and helped me answer a couple of my sub questions that I was having trouble answering with the websites and books. This was one of my favorite parts of this project so far and I can’t wait to see what’s next!


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