What’s up with that?

An observation has been made. The observation that has been made is that boys speak up and ask more questions on zooms and girls stay quiet and email questions. Now I completely agree with this statement, and here’s why. Me personally I like to be quiet on the zooms take in the information. Also a big  reason is I don’t want to interfere with the lesson. Im a quiet person around many people and just asking a random question like boys often do just never comes to my brain. I would much rather if I needed help separately message the teacher. Also boys have a tendency to do things like that in class too while most girls and( some Boys but not all) like to be respectful to the teacher and not cause problems. Not that questions are problems. I think that overall girls are more shy and conscience of what they are doing then most boys at this age, so they like to be quiet and reserve their questions for separate times. – Lexi

building things.

In my life I’ve built a few things, nothing really crazy  or very cool but a few things. Things that I used to build with  was legos. Sometimes I would do it alone and sometimes with my cousins or brother. It made me feel relaxed being able to design something the way I wanted. sometimes I would do the lego friends kits when I was younger. Sometimes I would just take random blocks and create something. Now as I get older I don’t do it very often if ever but I remember it used to make  me  very relaxed. – Lexi