April 5

State Board Party Three 1

To be honest I have never been skate boarding, but one day I found a game on my Ipad called “skate board party three”. It is the best game ever, now I always play it. It’s my new favorite game. When you skate there are a p-a-r-t and y that is what you try to find when you skate. You start at one stadium then go to the next stadium when you find all of the letters.The hard part is that you only have 3 to 4 minutes. I am on the second stadium. In the game you can rail things, and jump over cars, and jump in mid air, and pick your skate board, then put it back down. You can also get points if you rail things and stuff like that. With the points that you get, you can get: new skate boards, people, shoes, and many more things. Also in the game there are ramps and more cool stuff. There is also something called free skate were you are not timed and you can’t get to now stadiums, but you can just do it for fun. In other stadiums you can go up dinosuars  backs. It is so cool.